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O-Pee-Chee Hockey 21/22 Fat Pack - 28 Cards

O-Pee-Chee Hockey 21/22 Fat Pack - 28 Cards


The OPC collecting season normally involves a large base set along with several inserts and a new round of manufactured patches, and 2021-22 O-Pee-Chee Hockey keeps that legacy going.

Collectors can expect an average of two numbered base parallels, four OPC Premier Tallboys, four OPC playing cards, and one rare chase card per Hobby box.

2021-22 O-Pee-Chee Hockey Base Parallels Breakdown

  • Base Blue Border - 1:3 packs
  • Base Red Border - 1:18 packs
  • Base Neon Green Border - #/50
  • Base Printing Plates - 1/1
  • Retro - 1:1 packs
  • Retro Black Border - #/100
  • Retro Printing Plates - 1/1

2021-22 O-Pee-Chee Hockey Inserts

Very familiar to OPC fans, 2021-22 O-Pee-Chee Hockey features a few returning inserts.

The OPC Playing Cards insert is only available in Hobby boxes. While they average at least four per box overall, the tiered rarity makes the Aces and Jokers/Mascots cards much tougher to uncover.
